Products We're really sorry... We don't currently have that one in stock Please add your email and we'll notify you when it's back Email Home» Arrangers» Cliff Alexis "1-Cliff Alexis" Price$0.00 "1-Cliff Alexis" Price$0.00 Notify when back in stock "Luv It" by Cliff Alexis List Price: $47.00Price$42.00 "Luv It" by Cliff Alexis ISBN SDCA-0004 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel band programs)This sweet R&B Ballad was inspired by some friends of mine who would always be saying, “ I Luv It.” This tune is a great.... List Price: $47.00Price$42.00 Add to cart "Music For The Soul" by Hollis Wright List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Music For The Soul" by Hollis Wright ISBN SDCA-0002 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel bands)The minute I heard this tune, I immediately fell in love with it. This tune is from the 2002 Calypso Compilation and I decided to arrange...... List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "Outcast" by Mighty Sparrow List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Outcast" by Mighty Sparrow ISBN SDCA-0009 Difficulty: Medium to Hard (great for advanced high school to college steel bands)This classic calypso from the 1960s is about the panman and his troubles with society. Once shunned by nearly everyone, the steelbands are now a part of Trinidad's national identity. List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "Pan History" by Orville Wright List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 "Pan History" by Orville Wright ISBN SDCA-0001 Difficulty: Hard (great for advanced college steel bands)I listened to the 2005 Socas and I liked this tune. It was not one of the more popular tunes played for Trinidad Panorama 2005.... List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 Add to cart "Pandora" by DeFosto List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Pandora" by DeFosto ISBN SDCA-0003 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel bands)This is another calypso tune that is medium difficulty, and not too lengthy either. This sweet tune was out in 2003.... List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "War 2004" by The Original Defosto List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 "War 2004" by The Original Defosto ISBN SDCA-0007 Difficulty: Hard (great for advanced college steel bands)The Original Defosto himself wrote this exciting Panorama tune. This is the tune Exodus.... List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 Add to cart
Products We're really sorry... We don't currently have that one in stock Please add your email and we'll notify you when it's back Email Home» Arrangers» Cliff Alexis "1-Cliff Alexis" Price$0.00 "1-Cliff Alexis" Price$0.00 Notify when back in stock "Luv It" by Cliff Alexis List Price: $47.00Price$42.00 "Luv It" by Cliff Alexis ISBN SDCA-0004 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel band programs)This sweet R&B Ballad was inspired by some friends of mine who would always be saying, “ I Luv It.” This tune is a great.... List Price: $47.00Price$42.00 Add to cart "Music For The Soul" by Hollis Wright List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Music For The Soul" by Hollis Wright ISBN SDCA-0002 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel bands)The minute I heard this tune, I immediately fell in love with it. This tune is from the 2002 Calypso Compilation and I decided to arrange...... List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "Outcast" by Mighty Sparrow List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Outcast" by Mighty Sparrow ISBN SDCA-0009 Difficulty: Medium to Hard (great for advanced high school to college steel bands)This classic calypso from the 1960s is about the panman and his troubles with society. Once shunned by nearly everyone, the steelbands are now a part of Trinidad's national identity. List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "Pan History" by Orville Wright List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 "Pan History" by Orville Wright ISBN SDCA-0001 Difficulty: Hard (great for advanced college steel bands)I listened to the 2005 Socas and I liked this tune. It was not one of the more popular tunes played for Trinidad Panorama 2005.... List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 Add to cart "Pandora" by DeFosto List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 "Pandora" by DeFosto ISBN SDCA-0003 Difficulty: Medium (great for high school and college steel bands)This is another calypso tune that is medium difficulty, and not too lengthy either. This sweet tune was out in 2003.... List Price: $52.00Price$47.00 Add to cart "War 2004" by The Original Defosto List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 "War 2004" by The Original Defosto ISBN SDCA-0007 Difficulty: Hard (great for advanced college steel bands)The Original Defosto himself wrote this exciting Panorama tune. This is the tune Exodus.... List Price: $77.00Price$72.00 Add to cart